Smart Irrigation Save money and reduce water, guaranteed!

Water Conservation Company Providing Submetering Solutions

Phoenix Smart Irrigation Systems

Eliminating Water Waste & Saving You Money

Residential outdoor water consumption accounts for billions of the gallons of water used across the United States every day. Irrigation is a key part of sustaining plant life outdoors, and plants are key part of our environment with their ability to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. 

However, while much of this water is used for landscaping, the EPA also warns that far too much of this precious resource is wasted due to factors like evaporation, water line leaks, or systems that are just poorly planned. And when you consider Arizona’s desert climate, even small leaks are magnified and become major problems that jeopardize our supply of one or our most precious natural resources.

At Phoenix Water Solutions, we make it our mission to help you avoid wasting water by better-controlling your irrigation systems. We work with all types of properties, including those with large-scale irrigated and maintained areas. 

From agricultural businesses and commercial utilization to both single-family and multi-family residential properties, our mission is to save you money by saving water, and that includes helping the environment in the process. 

We’re the technological experts, including offering professional design, installation, monitoring, and metering of smart irrigation systems that save you money on their own. We work alongside landscape companies to ensure the process is done right.

Make your irrigation system more efficient and more effective at saving you money! Learn how smart irrigation technology from Phoenix Water Solutions can help you—call (602) 560-4225 today.

Make Your Watering Habits Smarter

Irrigation systems are some of the most waste-prone water features on any property.  Because they aren’t located indoors, small problems like leaks often go undetected. Over time, leaks can continue to grow, resulting in even more waste and thousands of gallons of lost water. In Arizona’s desert climate, that kind of waste can not only be costly, but it places excessive strain on our water supply. And when you consider many properties around the area all struggle with wasteful irrigation systems, it’s easy to see how the problem can get out of hand. 

Audited properties in Scottsdale and Tucson showed that half needed valves and controllers replaced, and a fourth had leaks. The audits also showed that from 2018 to 2021, water usage across HOAs had increased steadily during both months of high and low demand.  

Phoenix Water Solutions can help your irrigation system get smarter with more technologically-advanced metering, monitoring, and data analysis services for irrigation systems.  Our technology can help you quickly isolate costly leaks so you can properly fix them and keep your irrigation system as efficient as possible.  

Our experts can also help you save water by assisting you with:

  • Irrigation system design
  • Irrigation system installation
  • Irrigation system metering & monitoring
  • Irrigation system operation

We conduct comprehensive audits to provide suggestions for improvement in efficiency and water usage, including recommendations for:

  • Repair Leaks
  • Repair/Replace Valves, Emitters
  • Replace Controller
  • Enhance Controller
  • Reprogram Controller
  • Other
You can’t manage what you don’t monitor.

Helping You Save

Read Our
Request A Water Audit


Trust a water utility expert and save big.
  • We promise 100% qualified expert advice and guaranteed savings for a fast ROI with long term benefits.
  • We are there every step of the way from a seamless integration process to proactive servicing.
  • Our comprehensive audits compare your usage against similar users to provide intelligent recommendations.
  • We are passionate about promoting conservation efforts while providing cost-effective solutions.
  • Since 2015 PWS has focused on providing easy payment methods, savings and creative financing solutions to customers.
  • Phoenix Water Solutions is built on our relationships with the individuals and organizations we serve.
  • “The people at PWS are efficient and committed to providing good service.”

    Diana Stover – Board Treasurer
  • “Their customer service is noncomparable from the beginning of a meter installation project all the way through to them working with the homeowners on billing statements.”

    Christina Roth – Property Manager, City Properties
  • “People can use as much or little as they want, they just have to pay for their own.”

    Robert Bueche - Williamsburg Square Board President

Call to Discuss Your Needs with Our Team

If you’re sick of wasting hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water every year simply by spraying it out onto the concrete, your irrigation system’s design may be to blame. This isn’t abnormal—most irrigation systems were not developed with efficiency in mind, and they didn’t carefully consider water consumption during creation. 

At Phoenix Water Solutions, we can help you take your irrigation system a step further by creating a ground-up irrigation system that is built for efficiency and effective watering. We can further augment every system by installing monitoring technology that reduces friction, keeps your property looking its best, and saves everyone time and aggravation.

Tired of wasting water due to an inefficient or leaky irrigation system? Phoenix Water Solutions can help! Contact us to learn more about our irrigation monitoring options, including our world-class software and elite products.